Collection: Snowflake Hex

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Snowflakes, or ice crystals, are clean and precise. They form hexagonal structures and lace out in unique branchings. Single crystals cluster together and fall to Earth.
Reagh’s design celebrates the interlacing knotwork of Celtic and Norse art, combined with the much loved symbol of Winter. Angular triquetra define interesting negative spaces, while the design points inward and outward simultaneously. A fine symbolic reminder for the turning of the year at Yule:
Look within ourselves - as well as outward to community and Nature’s beauty - for light in the darkness. All is connected in dynamic equilibrium.

Vermont has a special relationship with snow. Wilson ‘Snowflake’ Bentley lived and worked here. “On January 15, 1885 he became the first person to photograph a single snow crystal.”* He photographed over 5000 snowflakes, never finding two the same, giving us the old adage.

Skiers and boarders flock to Vermont from all over, to enjoy the snow-covered slopes, and fireside hospitality of lodges and inns. The tail-end of ski season overlaps with maple sugaring time. Steam and smoke rise from sugarhouses while the sap boils down to syrup - a tradition going back to ancestors of the Abenaki people, Vermont’s original inhabitants.**  ‘Sugar on snow’ is a special treat, not to be missed.
‘Snowflake Hex’ ©2015 Reagh Greenleaf Jr.
* Biography - Snowflake Bentley
** Maple Sugaring Among the Abenaki